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The Common Trace API (CTA) is an interface-based specification of a common trace representation to allow a monitoring-tool-format-independent access of trace data. The CTA supports the exchange of monitoring data between stakeholders (e.g., Ops and Dev, or different research groups) while the consumer accesses the data with the CTA.

Implementations of the CTA can be tool- and case-specific. However the following points should be considered:

  • The target application that uses the trace data provided by a certain monitoring tool needs access to the specific implementation (i.e. Java Classes) of the CTA.
  • Whether a certain CTA implementation directly contains all trace information within the implementation objects, or whether the CTA implementation uses lazy loading to calculate the information from a third source is up to the implementation. However, in the case when trace data is (CTA Implementation objects) are transferred remotely, lazy loading may become a problem as the underlying data source may be gone. This needs to be kept in mind when providing implementations for the CTA.

A trace that traverses multiple locations is divided into subtraces. Hence, a subtrace is identified by the Location tuple (Host (e.g. IP), Container(e.g. JVM Id), Application Id, Business Transaction Id). Subtraces are structured along a composite pattern (tree structure). In this way, subtraces provide a coarse-frained view on the logical trace. A subtrace, in turn, contains a tree of Callables, hence, a trace covering one Location. 



OperationReturn TypeDescriptionNotes / Uncertainties
getLogicalTraceId()longreturns the identifier of the entire logical trace (encapsulating all subtraces that belong to the logical trace) 
getRoot()SubTracereturns the root of the subtrace composite structure. This is usually the entry point to the application. 
maxDepth()longthe maximum depth of the sub trace 
size()longthe number of nodes (i.e. Callables) in the tree structure of the corresponding sub trace 
subTraceIterator()java.lang.Iterator<SubTrace>returns an iterator on the tree structure of the sub traces 
getRoot()Callablereturns the root Callable of the sub trace (i.e. operation that represents the root of the call tree) 
getParent()SubTracereturns the parent sub trace within the composite (i.e. tree) structure of sub traces. Returns null if no parent exists. 
getSubTraces()List<SubTrace>returns the child sub traces within the composite (i.e. tree) structure of sub traces. Returns an emty list if no sub traces exist. 
getLocation()Locationreturns the unique location of the sub trace (in particular: two operation executions with different locations belong to different sub traces) 
getContainingTrace()Tracereturns the Trace that contains this SubTrace 
getId()longunique identifier of the sub trace 
maxDepth()longthe maximum depth of the sub trace 
size()longthe number of nodes (i.e. Callables) in the tree structure of the corresponding sub trace 
getHost()Stringhost name or IP of the corresponding system node where the underlying sub trace has been executed 
getRuntimeEnvironment()Stringidentifier of the run-time container (in Java: JVM, in .NET: CLR, etc.) 
getApplication()Stringidentifier of the application the sub trace belongs to 
getBusinessTransaction()Stringidentifier of the business transaction a sub trace belongs to 

returns the parent callable of the current callable within the tree structure of the corresponding sub trace.

If the current callable is the root of the current sub trace that has been called by another sub trace then this method returns the TraceInvocation instance of the (other) calling sub trace.

If the current callable is a root and the current sub trace is a root of the entire logical trace then this method returns null.

getCallees()List<Callable>returns a list of all callables invoked by the current callable. The list contains the callables in the order they have been called. 
getContainingSubTrace()SubTracereturns the SubTrace this Callable belongs to 
getSignature()Stringfull qualified signature of the corresponding operation (including all full-qualified types of the parameters)(e.g. for method "" would return "") 
getSimpleName()Stringsimple name of the corresponding method (e.g. for method "" would return "myMethod") 
getFullName()Stringfull name of the corresponding method including package name (e.g. for method "" would return "") 
getExecutionTime()longoperation duration in ms 
getEntryTime()longentry timestamp in ms 
getExitTime()longexit timestamp in ms 
getLables()List<String>returns a list of labels (lables convey simple additional information)e.g. "Servlet", "Hibernate", "Invoice", etc.
hasLabel(String label)booleanchecks whether the Callable is labled with the given value 
getModifiers()intreturns a bit-encoded integer providing the information about used modifiers

shell we leave this information here, or move it to CTA AIC (additional information part).

Rationale: this information might be not language independent, at least the encoding of the returned integer

isConstructor()booleanreturns true if this callable is a constructordo we need this method? do we need other analogous helper methods?
getPosition()longreturns the position (i.e. index) of this Callable in the corresponding SubTrace. The order of the indexes is analgous to the original execution order of the Callables. The root element of the corresponding SubTrace has an index of 0. 
getDepth()longreturns the depth of this Callable relative to the root of the correspoding SubTrace. The root has a depth of 0. 
getAdditionalInformation()List<AdditionalInformation>returns a list of all additional information objects 
getAdditionalInformation(java.lang.Class<T extends AdditionalInformation> type)List<T>returns a list of all additional information objects of the provided type 
getTargetTrace()SubTracereturns the sub trace that has been invoked by this trace invocation node 
isSync()booleanreturns true, if the current sub trace blocks while the invoked sub trace is executing 
getCallees() // inheritedList<Callable>returns a list with only ONE element containing the root of the invoked trace 
getSignature() // inheritedStringreturns the signature of the root element of the invoked trace 
  • No labels