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Quick Start

  1. Select appropriate Demo bundle for your target platform
  2. Unpack the bundle and execute the script, startAll.bat script on Windows respectively. This script will start all required components:
    1. inspectIT CMR
    2. DVDStore as the demo application
    3. loadIT/Jmeter as the load generator with a proper load script
    4. inspectIT UI
    5. Browser to with the DVDStore Home Website 
  3. On the DVDStore Home Website: navigate to the "Application Performance Settings" tab and activate performance problems you would like to observe in the demo application.
  4. Switch to the loadIT/JMeter window and start the load script (Run -> Start)
  5. Switch to the inspectIT UI, close the welcome view and follow the actions in the figures below to view diagnoseIT results
  6. A more detailed guide for diagnoseIT is available here.


Demo Guide

  1. Select the appropriate CMR for your target platform, download the archive and extract the CMR folder.
  2. Execute the startup script in the CMR folder to start the CMR.
  3. Download the inspectIT demo bundle and extract the content of the archive into a folder named dvdstore.
  4. Execute the script startJBossWithInspectIT to start the application server running the DVDStore application.
  5. Open the DVDStore http://localhost:8080/dvdstore/home
  6. Select Application Performance Settings
  7. Enable Slow Search
  8. Navigate to Shop
  9. Search for a b using the the search for DVDs form (search takes approximately 30 seconds)
  10. Select the appropriate inspectIT user interface for your target platform, download the archive and extract the inspectIT folder.
  11. Execute inspectIT.exe to start the user interface.
  12. Close the Welcome view
  13. Follow the actions in the figures
